Sunday, April 15, 2012

2 weeks to Eugene: weekly status

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 5 miles @ base + l.b. weights

Did not do this run as I was not feeling up to snuff. Mild crud in my throat...(voice down in pitch) and feeling blah-tired

Wednesday: 6.5 miles: 1 miles wu + 3x12 min @ 10k pace w/2 min recovery between sets + 1 mi cd

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:38 115 56.6 89 1.589
2 1.00 7:58 136 73.8 92 1.624
3 0.51 7:55 137 74.6 91 1.624
4 0.31 9:46 121 61.5 86 1.495
5 1.00 8:01 133 71.3 90 1.651
6 0.51 7:59 135 73.0 89 1.630
7 0.32 9:53 121 61.5 85 1.449
8 1.00 8:00 134 72.1 90 1.640
9 0.51 8:12 139 76.2 90 1.539
10 0.96 10:24 117 58.2 85 1.442
Sum 7.12 8:43 127.7 67.0 89.1 1.578

Wrote about this run here. Garmin T.E. 3.6

Thursday:  100ups before run, 4 miles + 8 x15 sec hill sprint
Run canceled..yesterday's run hit me hard..still not over whatever I've got.

Friday: 7 miles: 1 miles wu + 5 miles @ ½ MP + 1 mi cd
Did this important tempo run and managed to avoid the rain!

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:29 120 60.7 89 1.547
2 1.00 8:18 128 67.2 89 1.656
3 1.00 8:24 131 69.7 89 1.600
4 1.00 8:24 132 70.5 88 1.587
5 1.00 8:25 135 73.0 88 1.550
6 1.00 8:22 137 74.6 89 1.535
7 0.81 10:30 115 56.6 83 1.461
Sum 6.81 8:47 128.1 67.3 88.0 1.563

Garmin T.E. 3.8

Saturday: Rest

I did not rest. Since my running was shy for earlier in the week (and I'm a gambling man I guess when it comes to running) I decided to try for a short marathon pace run before my long run on Sunday. This is a recipe that Hal Higdon uses in his marathon training programs and I was used to doing it pre-Jill.  (Normally Jill gives me a rest day ahead  and after the long run which I now prefer when training for a PR attempt with lots of faster running)

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:18 117 58.2 89 1.617
2 1.00 8:55 131 69.7 90 1.507
3 1.00 8:57 131 69.7 90 1.502
4 1.00 8:47 127 66.4 90 1.576
5 1.00 8:50 133 71.3 90 1.497
6 1.00 8:54 132 70.5 89 1.499
7 1.00 10:14 118 59.0 86 1.456
8 0.01 10:56 131 54.9 84 2.670
Sum 7.01 9:07 126.7 66.2 89.1 1.521

This run felt decent but was glad I kept the faster running to only 5 miles....I'm getting better but still not at 100%. I'm not sure how I'll feel tomorrow...22 miles is a looong run.  I will postpone the long run a day or two if I don't feel up to snuff.

Sunday: 22 @ base,  Last 20 minutes moderately hard to hard

Did 21. 

Was up in SF Saturday (beautiful crisp clear day..see the transamerica building?) and didn't get to bed until midnight. Actually ate a bowl of cereal and dried fruit before bed so I'd have some carbs. (DInner in SF had been shy on carbs). 

I woke up at 7am or so and felt reasonable do decided to do this run....My legs were already tired when I started the run.

The two inches of rain we got this week have caused the flowers to go crazy. Lot of california poppies coming up (see photo above..this is the Ca. state flower) along the route I took.

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:36 113 54.9 88 1.621
2 1.00 9:28 120 60.7 88 1.549
3 1.00 9:34 120 60.7 87 1.533
4 1.00 9:26 121 61.5 87 1.541
5 1.00 9:33 120 60.7 87 1.536
6 1.00 9:39 117 58.2 86 1.559
7 1.00 9:16 116 57.4 87 1.639
8 1.00 9:16 117 58.2 87 1.623
9 1.00 9:20 120 60.7 86 1.571
10 1.00 9:12 120 60.7 86 1.596
11 1.00 9:16 122 62.3 86 1.556
12 1.00 9:18 121 61.5 86 1.564
13 1.00 9:20 123 63.1 86 1.534
14 1.00 9:20 127 66.4 87 1.486
15 1.00 8:54 132 70.5 87 1.496
16 1.00 9:09 127 66.4 86 1.513
17 1.00 9:45 123 63.1 87 1.468
18 1.00 9:35 126 65.6 87 1.457
19 1.00 9:25 131 69.7 88 1.427
20 1.00 9:26 133 71.3 88 1.402
21 1.00 9:41 129 68.0 88 1.409
22 0.01 10:36 129 68.0 86 1.705
Sum 21.01 9:24 122.7 62.9 86.9 1.525

It took a lot of concentration to keep up the pace mile 9 or so the world "slog" was popping into my head to describe how it felt for my legs. I did feel better after a while but the last 4 miles were really a fight .....VERY difficult to keep the legs moving at speed.

...but what could I expect doing 34 miles in just three days? With:
5 miles of HMP (8:22 -ish)
7 miles of MP (8:53-ish)
and the rest mostly all solid mid-base (9:20 - 9:30)

Garmin T.E. 2.7

Total 42 miles

This week turned out a lot better than I dared hope when I got sick on Monday. We managed to pack in some miles and make a halfway decent crescendo to the training and not break (yet).

2 weeks to go..Let the taper begin! 

2 week extended forecast looks cool (high for the day of 62F) and some high clouds, but 16 mph wind which is a bit high...I'm sure it will change several times in the 14 days ahead 8/


Amazing that the BAA is encouraging people to not run and offering deferrals to anyone that wants.....really nice of them. Of course most people have flown in from far away so I'll be very few take them up on it. (I would!)..hopefully they will slow down.

For non-elite runners that are on the course a long time the worry Monday will be hyponatremia. (running out of sodium from drinking too much water) Hopefully they've make sure to alert everybody in the expo about this. I have some salt-potassium capsules that I take with me to races in case the day is going to be warm.


  1. I always kind of thought that Boston is the reward for all the hard work for qualifying; it should be experienced and if you didn't race it well, oh well, you got to enjoy all the course had to offer. I saw so much more the 2nd round when I took my time and savored every step, than I did the first time when I raced it hard and tried to get into a zone and missed a lot of it. I fully understand that the heat can cause issues (saw that firsthand a few weeks ago ;)) but isn't that part of the whole picture? Who knows what may happen next could be a record snow storm or even higher temps. Who knows! I say take it for what it is and do your best for those conditions. There's no guarantees on race day.

    Great week of running. You're definitely ready for this taper!!!!

    1. Yah, I told Amanda that she should just think of Boston as the victory lap.

      I probably would defer if I was there only because I would have a lot of other friends and things to see 8). Otherwise, yah, I would just slow down and take a lot of pics etc and make a party out of it.

      Didn't u have a race this weekend? RR being written?

    2. I did have a race this weekend. No RR for a few days, crazy busy this week. But eventually :).

  2. Solid week of running, Paul. 34 miles over a 3 day period and all three runs were quality runs, that'll kill the legs. A long run after a tempo workout is something to be proud of. Scott Jurek wrote something recently about having one week where you do two quality workout to fatigue the legs so they can better handle stress on race day...or something like that.

  3. Great week Paul! You can taper and rest now. Your body will be strong and ready after that. You've done all the work.

  4. I am looking at your long run numbers. They look great! Good luck with your taper.

  5. What a good week of training even under the weather! What is WHR?

    Enjoy the taper!

    1. WHR = working heart rate.

      For example: If your resting is 50 and peak is 200 you have a working range of 150 bpm )to go from resting to max output).

      Therefore if you are at 125bpm you are at 50% of WHR.

      It's more accurate that using percent of max HR because resting HRs are also different btwn people.



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