Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

Happy New Year!

First, lets take a look at the total miles per year since I started running:

   Date      Miles    Pace     BPM WHR%        Elev+              Elev-      YPB
2008-01-01 Tue 373.7 10:25 118.0 59.0 8421.9 8277.1 1.464
2009-01-01 Thu 1253.1 10:46 122.1 62.4 25019.3 25990.7 1.470
2010-01-01 Fri 1112.7 10:06 122.6 62.8 11574.1 11662.0 1.473
2011-01-01 Sat 1133.3 10:11 124.0 64.0 30869.6 32805.4 1.436
2012-01-01 Sun 1168.1 9:48 125.8 65.4 21476.9 21639.2 1.454
2013-01-01 Tue 1415.6 9:36 124.7 64.5 17184.6 17540.1 1.492
Summary 6414.3 10:06 106.8 49.9 114546.5 117914.6 1.466

2013 is quite a bit more miles and the pace is faster than any previous year. And as usual a couple of breaks in the running due to trips..but somehow I racked more miles.

My average HR is not higher though.....I've gotten fitter?

Now it's tIme to take a look at the goals for this year and see how I did:

Goals for 2013:
* implement calf strain solutions and have smooth build-up to Tacoma in May. 
Success! switching to a Chi running style has let me train much harder with zero calf issues, the Tacoma buildup was one of the best I've had. The mileage for 2013 is higher partly because no downtime from a calf strain!.

* Run a hard race in Tacoma and leave it all on the course (assuming good weather). 
Success here too..I ran did a hard race ..but alas the hot weather and vastly under-sold hills made the race a slow one. Beautiful views though.

* Enjoy the 10 year MM reunion. 
That was fun! Toni came too and walked her first half marathon and enjoyed herself a lot which was an unexpected plus to the entire trip.

* Run Chicago (perhaps peaked). (Nope. New plan is to do this in 2014)

* Run GG trail marathon again, and pick another new trail marathon to do. 
Didn't do this but instead ran my first double marathon, MM 4 stars now!

* Get around to running some shorter races! 
Major success here: ran two halfs and a 10k. New PRs in both distances!

Biggest setback for the year was swimming, which was not even on my radar last January. I've been having some neck flexibility issues which has but a damper on crawl practice. I need to see a PT sometime to really figure this out.

I also missed having only one fast road marathon attempt in 2013..and 3 marathons isn' t enough for me (esp when two are close together), I seem to like doing 2 fast road marathons and 2 trail marathons per year.

2013 a pretty great year! 

And now, throw down some goals for 2014:

* Run a 5k! (Never have!)
* Run a better 10k course and peak properly to get to 48:xx.
* Run Surf City (Feb) and pace it well. The training has been skimpier than I would like. A lot depends on how the next 5 weeks goes so no idea what pace is doable yet.
* Run Chicago (Oct)  (warm up for CIM, not all-out)
* Run CIM (Dec) attempt to go sub-3:55 again to BQ for 2016 Boston (first year I'll be 60-64 Age group).
* Run a couple of trail marathons.


  1. Age doesn't seem to be slowing you down. Great year! Never done a it!!

  2. It always blows me away to read that some marathoners have never run shorter distance races. You should definitely run that 5k. It's a guaranteed PR.

  3. Funny that you have never run a 5K. Have a great 2014.

  4. When you do a 5K, expect to be surrounded by cross country high school runners. These kids do the 5K in 15 to 17 minutes. Will see you at the Surf .

  5. YOU go gettum' in that 5K:) Happy New Year and your stats look fantastic from 2013. I hope you run Chicago because I think it's right up there with my favorite….Boston. Good for Toni too!! I'm waiting for my new trail shoes!!


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