Thursday, March 10, 2011

T-10 days to LA, Midweek tempo, more LA pacing thoughts

Didn't run Sunday, a rest day, then Monday did an easy 3.1@10:53 m/m recovery..still a bit sore from the big slug of running/hiking on Saturday.

Tuesday I felt a lot better and went out for a fast "tempo" run on the road. I've been refreshing my memory of how these are done...I've probably been running them too slow.

For this tempo: 1 mile of warm-up and cool-down and 4 miles at a 'comfortably hard' HR of 140-145 (82-85% of Max HR):
Split Distance Avg Pace Avg HR Avg Cadence
  1 1.00 10:47 111 85
  2 1.00 08:06 136 91
  3 1.00 08:02 140 91
  4 1.00 08:04 143 91
  5 1.00 07:48 146 91
  6 1.00 10:23 121 84
  7 0.17 10:41 112 84

I'm happy with the average pace for the 4 miles of 8m/m, this is my 10k PR pace so maybe too fast for a tempo (but that's an old PR)? The 91 cadence is also good..can't get over how my running is so different now!

At this pace I try to concentrate on the  'butt-kick' with my foot as I pick it up. Of course, you really aren't anywhere near doing a butt-kick 8), but it does kinda feel that way.

The purpose of the slight 'butt-kick' is to lower the moment of inertia of your leg so when you move your leg forward there less effort required. The force to move your leg forward goes up as the square of the leg length so pulling your calf up so that it's closer to your midsection reduces the energy quite a bit. When you focus on this it's like hitting the can really feel yourself going faster for not much more effort.

Anyway, all theory aside it did seem to go well. The average HR for the 4 miles was 141..for my 10K PR the HR at this pace was 152 or so. Again, more signs that I'm in pretty good shape.

Wednesday I did an easy run at about a 10 m/m pace and ended up with 4.17@9:58,  Avg HR of 111. I do this 4+ mile course a lot and this is one of the lowest HRs vs pace I've ever recorded..even more surprising because the previous day's run was pretty hard.

The reason I'm looking closely at my fitness is that I'm trying to zero in on my pace for goal is to HAVE FUN, and run a nice even pace like I did at Surf City.  I think I can go a bit faster this time, perhaps 9:35-9:45 is reasonable..maybe a 4:15-ish. Depends on the temps of course.

I do seem to be fitter and I'll be running in shoes that are 9 oz rather than 12.5 oz. I've got 110 miles on the Kinvaras...well broken in, both me and the shoe 8-D,.. and done a 21+ miler in them so I think I'm not complete bonkers here.


I do still plan on attempting a new marathon PR, but not yet. next marathon PR try will be after I'm done with the "year of 8 marathons" so I can properly peak, probably in the fall.

I will be drawing on my improvements in stride rate/minimal shoe running form, a big endurance base before starting peaking, my new core strength workouts.. and then doing much more hills, intervals and tempos than I ever did for my SFM PR.

I will pick a flatter course too ;).

But right now  I've got S2S to do only 3 weeks after LA. That has to be in my thoughts whenever feel like stepping on the gas too much during LA:  Bad dog!  Heel boy!


  1. Thanks so much for your advice are right on, I have been running faster lately, because I actually can...but, of course, it's more of a stress on my body and considering the short prep time for my first marathon, I do need to s-l-o-w down :) Thanks again...I will definitely take your advice!

  2. I haven't looked at all your past training numbers, but it appears to me, from the times I have recently seen, you should be able to go a 4:15 in LA. I have not run that course but a few I know who have said it's not too tough. So that's good. And really, I'd use S2S as just a run, long run, and just enjoy the surroundings. :)

    Enjoy the last taper week :). Will be in touch about S2S and if I will be going or not!!


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