Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Haiku

crisp blue sky-
i see my steamy breaths  -
winter running -


  1. LOVE winter running.

    Okay - no pressure - telling me I will be a HIM expert. I am just shooting for finishing a sprint tri. Then I will do more sprints. Perhaps a slightly longer distance some day but no plans at all.

    I had to wrap a breakable present today and honest to God I wrapped it on the floor so I couldn't drop it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok, let me try...

    Winter clouds above
    I run carefree on street
    My legs hurt like hell

  4. @ajh: I'm sure that eventually you will master the sprint..then the olympic, then the HIM 8)



    Maybe better is:

    Running carefree
    Winter clouds racing above
    legs hurting


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