Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekly Status: 9 weeks to Eugene

A shout out to Michael  another 50+ runner/blogger out there doing his dardest to stay fit.

...this Sunday was his first marathon  at the Cow Town (Fort Worth, Tx)....from peeking at the race results it looks like  he totally SMASHED his A goal and had a great race. We'll know more how it went when he posts the race report!

Congrats Michael!


Monday: Normally a rest day but since no Sunday run we did 70 minutes of biking, 5 of rowing. 

Tuesday: 10 min row 2x1 min hard + 30 min biking 12 x {1 min @ level 15/20, recover to 115 bpm}, Lb weights.

Heel is getting better, but I can still feel it when going down stars or jogging on it so I'm not going to mess things up.. Another couple of days may just do it. 

Meanwhile, cross training allows me to really push hard without hurting it. It's hard to get the HR up with biking but the 1 minute intervals I did today got me just up to 140bpm or so.. It's the legs that are really complaining however! 

I remember fondly my cross training this summer during my previous issues and I had one heck of a time on the bike when I first started ;)

I managed to keep the cadence at 100 the entire 30 min....(I try to keep the cadence in the same range as running cadence.)

Wednesday: A test...5 miles at high base pace. Wore the Brooks Launch shoes. 

It felt ok, I run at 11am and it was already close to 70 and SUNNY, so I was hot compared to my usual early morning runs.  

Legs felt good, even with yesterdays hard bike intervals. The heel was way way better...and running in the Launchs seemed ok. I did ice after just in case but the proof things are able to improve is tomorrow.

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:27 124 63.9 87 1.502
2 1.00 9:16 125 64.8 87 1.521
3 1.00 9:23 126 65.6 86 1.487
4 1.00 9:25 127 66.4 86 1.472
5 1.00 9:17 133 71.3 86 1.424
6 0.04 9:52 132 70.5 84 1.250
Sum 5.04 9:22 127 66.4 86 1.479

If we are lucky the rest days and the slightly higher drop, more forefoot cushion shoes will let us stay ahead of the game.

Thursday: 5 @ 10:23 m/m (HR 113), recovery pace.

I was all set to do some speedwork to test out the foot...but I was draaaaggin'. Usually after a mile I'll be warmed up and ready to go, but not today..for some reason I was tiirrrred. Kept it slow, enjoyed the sunshine. foot ok during the big hit from yesterday's run...a good sign.

We'll see how we feel tomorrow...spent a bunch of time working all the trigger points out of both calves..there were 3-4 on the left leg.

Friday: 2 m warm up + 9 x { 4 min @ sub 8:00 pace + 2min recovery} + 2 m cool down.

This morning after sleeping like a brick, I felt a lot more energetic and so headed to track with calf sleeves on, temps around 50 and bright sun!  Time to see if I could take some speedwork. The foot was feeling quite good so I decided to try 800s.

I guess what I did are modified Yassos....800m @ 8:00 pace takes 4 minutes...but I don't take a full 4 min recovery like a Yasso, but two minutes. 

Split Dist Pace HR Max HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 9:53 116 168 57.4 87 1.534
2 1.00 10:02 120 127 60.7 87 1.462
3 0.51 7:54 136 141 73.8 92 1.640
4 0.21 9:58 128 138 67.2 87 1.361
5 0.51 7:59 138 141 75.4 91 1.606
6 0.21 9:47 130 141 68.9 87 1.391
7 0.54 7:45 138 142 75.4 90 1.654
8 0.21 9:54 129 138 68.0 86 1.358
9 0.52 7:50 138 146 75.4 91 1.643
10 0.20 10:01 130 142 68.9 85 1.343
11 0.52 7:47 138 148 75.4 91 1.649
12 0.20 10:25 135 148 73.0 85 1.232
13 0.50 7:59 142 146 78.7 90 1.547
14 0.22 9:18 137 147 74.6 87 1.396
15 0.52 7:49 143 148 79.5 91 1.581
16 0.21 10:01 138 148 75.4 85 1.281
17 0.51 7:49 145 150 81.1 90 1.542
18 0.22 10:33 136 150 73.8 84 1.225
19 0.51 7:54 139 146 76.2 90 1.603
20 1.00 10:47 123 146 63.1 85 1.328
21 0.95 10:34 125 128 64.8 85 1.335
Sum 10.26 9:09 130 n/a 68.9 88 1.478

During the 8th it was getting tough..I was having to push to keep the pace and really concentrate on form. I knew I could do a full 10 but my little "inner voice" was telling me to be prudent..the heel was feeling very good but this was quite a bit of fast perhaps I should stop. Sneaky that inner voice..always looking for a reason to cut things short.

I compromised at doing 9...the time was also getting late and I did still have 2 miles to get back home. I'm happy with low drift in HR and especially happy with the 90 cadence in the 2 oz heavier Launches!

Iced the foot after. Felt pretty good...proof will be how it feels tomorrow.

Saturday will be rest but not sure what to do Sunday, Jill?....12.5 @ base with last couple of miles fast?


Not much rain around here this "La Nina" year and it's already sunny and warm (70F+ today) and Spring

And that means pollen..the flowering trees are out and the mustard is starting to bloom in the hills. After my run Friday I started sneezing later in the day..dear dear..what a messy runny nose..time for the meds!

Sunday: Jill says try to do 14 @ base pace..monitor the foot and abort if required. I was really looking forward to a long run....

It was a cool morning, 50s, some high clouds but pretty sunny. 

Split Dist Pace HR % WHR Cad YPB
1 1.00 10:11 110 52.5 87 1.571
2 1.00 9:54 118 59.0 87 1.507
3 1.00 9:51 120 60.7 87 1.488
4 1.00 9:41 118 59.0 87 1.540
5 1.00 9:49 121 61.5 86 1.481
6 1.00 9:40 119 59.8 86 1.530
7 1.00 9:23 121 61.5 86 1.550
8 1.00 9:48 123 63.1 86 1.459
9 1.00 9:33 126 65.6 87 1.463
10 1.00 9:24 126 65.6 87 1.487
11 1.00 9:31 128 67.2 87 1.445
12 1.00 9:25 127 66.4 87 1.470
13 1.00 9:12 132 70.5 88 1.450
14 1.00 8:48 140 77.0 89 1.429
Sum 14.01 9:35 123 63.1 87 1.494

A decent run, pretty good HRs..not fully peaked yet but getting there..the foot didn't bother me much it was there during the run but didn't mess up my form, however after 10 miles I could tell it was going to be sore after, and yes, it was..icing as per usual.

I was happy I could do the run after doing a pretty hard set of intervals on Friday. Hopefully the foot will bounce back after the rest day tomorrow.

Total: 34.3 miles

For the first time in a long time I managed to hit <170 lbs on the scale. The weight bounces around from day to day so I don't obsess over it but watch for the min values...they are gradually going down. This morning I had to stop and cinch my water belt ..the default setting was just a touch too loose.

9 weeks to go.....


  1. Way to show that foot who's boss!! :) Glad it cooperated, for the most part.

    I have chronic year-round allergies but they do escalate in the spring. I noticed since we got some snow mid-week, my sinuses are microscopicly better but I'm so over winter I'd much rather endlessly sneeze! Ha.

    Finger's crossed your foot is better tomorrow! :)

  2. only 9 weeks!! Crazy!
    Looks like a great running week considering the issue witht he heel. This issue sounds a little like the issue I had that took me out of training 3 weeks last year for Boston. Glad to see you got on top of it! Hopefully we will both be race ready in 9 weeks :)
    Beautiful tree ...pollen not so pretty.ha!

  3. Nice job on the downward weight trend.

  4. Some great running there. You are doing great considering the foot problem. Looking good!

  5. Looks like a solid training week. I like the idea of matching pedal cadence to running cadence. Makes perfect sense!

  6. that is an impressive week of training. good luck with the allergies this year, i'm already feeling the effects. yikes!

  7. Seems like a lot of bloggers are rehabbing in one way or another. Hope your heal doesn't turning into a nagging prolonged issue. Glad it seems to be doing better.

    As usual, good job on your metrics.


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