UPDATE (8/11/14): Traci set another record today! 242 miles in 48 hours! Read about it here.
Back in 2010 I ran SFM and made my first attempt at sub-4 (I did 4:05). I joined the pace group and a very nice person named Traci Falbo was one of our pacers.
You know how I feel about pacers..usually they don't do what I want and so I don't use them..
She was a good pacer though....I gradually faded at the end but she did a even pace with adjustment for hills.
When I asked her she also even mailed me her photos she took during the race to add to my race report! (See the tab for marathon reports and check out the 2010 SFM if you want to see 'em). A very nice person.
She's a Marathon Maniac ..one of the first I'd met that got me thinking about joining them...and today she showed up in the news: she just won gold for the 24 hour run competing for the US in the ultramarathon championships
She ran 142 miles in 24 hours !!! Whoa!
Read her story. It's cool.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Elevation Comparisons for Various Road Marathons
In the interests of others that wonder about the relative elevation profiles of marathons I have blown them up in Garmin and screen shot them and post them here.
One of the problems with Marathons is that they DON'T post this data. Instead they usual use the MapMyRun site or some other data which is very filtered and compressed so that you really can't get the information you want.
So here they are: elevation profiles from several of the road marathons I've run. Note that the left scale is different for each one so be careful when comparing by eye..take a note of how big 100' of change is!
If you want to read the race report for any of these races go here.
San Francisco Marathon Elevation Profile
The SFM data has problems with the bridges so you need to ignore the weird stuff starting at mile 6 or so and ending at mile 9. Remember this data comes from radar data and the radar does not see the bridge decks (too narrow) , so the elevation drops to 0 or even below zero (due to some filtering artifacts probably).
But you get the Idea: SFM is hilly at mile 5 you climb a very steep hill about 180' up to the bridge area. The bridge itself has a nice crown on it that goes up about 50' that you run over twice. The Garmin reports this as 1700' of up and down, I would subtract off about 650' from the bridge errors give us a total of 1100'. There are a lot of steep downs that you can't run well.
They play on this by calling it the "Race even Marathoners Fear". I fear it because it is so effing crowded, especially on the bridge deck.
But if you've never run it you should do it once. Touring SF by foot in a Marathon is a lot of fun and where else can you run in 55F fog in the middle of summer in the USA?
California International Marathon (CIM) Elevation Profile
CIM is a point to point, net down course and it has only one bridge just before mile 22 making that little downward blip you see. The Garmin calls this 400 up, 730 down. There is one big down-up at about mile 11. The race becomes very smoothly flat at about mile 22 just when you need that.
In 17 Marathons so far this is the fastest course as far as I am concerned.
Eugene Marathon Course Elevation Profile
The Garmin calls this one 380' of up-down and I think thats about right. There are some bridges but they are not high above the water compared to SF and so the data is pretty close as is.
You can see there are a couple of hills early on that are a bit nasty and there is the gradually , lumpy rise to the finish which was really tough for me. This is my current PR course (by about 1min 30s over CIM). I ran it right after CIM so I was in very good condition.
Tacoma City Marathon Course Elevation Profile
This point to point course shows up as about 1800 up and 2000 down on the garmin. The bridge at mile 2.5 is really at about 150', not 0 so subtract 300' from that perhaps? That gives you 1500' up/ 1700' down, even worse than SFM. Even more than SFM many of the downs are too steep to run well.
I knew about the huge up after the bridge, but I was kind of surprised by the number and size of the hills from mile 13 to mile 20...the website profile made these hard to see. The steep down at miles 16 and 19 (and many others) are not runnable...you don't get much out of it except sore quads.
The last 6 miles has two overpass climbs that kind of show up but look spiky which they are not. There is a gradual climb the last mile and then a swooping down to the finish.
However, like SFM it's a beautiful course and it is well run and NOT crowded so as long as you aren't PR hunting I think this is a more fun course than SFM.
Los Angeles Marathon Course Elevation Profile
Garmin reports this point-to-point course as 800' up / 1200' down, no bridges so I think that's about right. Pretty lumpy. The big descent at the beginning is mostly runnable but a few steep downs here and there. The big down of almost 300' in the last 2.5 miles or so is really nice. (Don't remember that little spike at mile 25.5..is that real?)
Surf City Marathon Course Elevation Profile
Garmin calls this 300' of up/down. It beats Eugene in potential as a PR course if you ask me. There are only two 80' bit hills, over early int he race. A teeny rise to the finish but not bad.
Surf City can be foggy on race morning and that is what you are hoping for, but when the fog finally breaks it may get very warm quickly. As I recall they start the halfers a hour after the full which is really nice.
Long Beach Marathon Course Elevation Profile
Long Beach is another potentially nice and foggy cool course but can have sun if the foog breaks up too soon. There is a bridge at mile 2 and another weirdness at mile 5 which is adding 120' of down/up so call this course 500' of up/down. The biggest hill is the 70 footer at mile 17..that's not that big. The downs are runnable as I recall. The halfers start with you but disappear after about mile 7.5 if I remember correctly which isn't too bad but it is quite crowded on the beach boardwalk parts until then.
Berlin Marathon Course Elevation Profile
Of course we have to show the world record course in Berlin...one of the majors.
The Garmin reports this course as 500' of up/down but we have some funny spikes that are probably road flyovers with tunnels we ran through or something like that so it's probably more like 400'. Frankly the hills are not very noticeable, but the CROWDS are.
I was pacing my friend for a 4:30. Back there it was crowded the entire marathon in a way I have never experienced before. I'm told that if you are in the 3:30 crowd or faster, it's not so bad and there you may have a PR course.
But hey, it's one of the majors and Berlin is a awesome city to visit so do this one sometime in your life if you get a chance!
Copenhagen Marathon Course Elevation Profile
This race is PR-able..there are some little ups and downs but not much and all runnable. The weather is most likely not hot in May (but with the wonky weather these days your mileage my vary 8/).
There are some bridges and tunnels but so there is probably about 450' of up/down at most. The course does have a lot of twists and turns so you have to pay attention to run the tangents. And there is a bit of crowding here and there...avoid the first water stop!
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
DOUBLE your pleasure!

Now, in the aftermath, I have reflected on my mistakes: not training enough for hills, not realizing that a new course with no reviews might not be the best idea for a PR and not being born for or training to take the heat (and not slowing down when I knew that).
All in all, a good experience though...any day you can run a marathon is a good day. Yes it is.
And some other things: a training cycle that was hard but clear of any injuries AND a new half marathon PR after a 4 year gap.
What's next? The slate was now CLEAN of races. I'm pretty fit right now, at least if the weather is cool ;), and so I would like to harvest that a bit more. After pondering this long and hard (ok , for 2 days ;) I decided to do a DOUBLE. This is something that is on my "Sporting Goals" list. A double gets you Maniac 4 stars, FWIW.
What is a DOUBLE? Its back to back marathons in 2 days:
I will be doing the San Francisco Marathon on a Sunday 6/16, and then running Tracy's fat ass marathon on Monday 6/17. (A 5.x mile loop around Lake Merced in SF also) Tracy's race is there so that people like me can do a double. The race this year is being held because Maniac Tony Nguyen (aka "Endorphin Dude") will be running his 100th marathon. The contrast between the two races is huge, SFM is expensive ($150) and crowded and fancy schmancy. TFA is $20, low key and probably only 50 people.
Note: "Fat ass" means the race is self-supported..the FA being the fanny pack you might wear to carry more stuff with you. Get it?
My plan is to run the SFM at an easy 5 hour pace, take it easy...walking the steep hill up to the bridge deck and some of the other big hills, then eat a whole bunch of food and try to do TFA's marathon in 5-ish hours the next day too.
I never planned to run SFM again so soon..it's too oversold with halfers to be a good marathon now, but running it at a slow pace makes it quite doable and I will enjoy the scenery properly and take a TON of pictures which will make going slowly worthwhile.
Two years ago I ran a marathon in 4:45 the 2 days before I was to go skiing. I skied on that DOMS day and because I went easy on myself it was no problem. I'm hoping that more fitness and going even a tad slower will make the double-doable... if not I will walk-run it.
The SFM actually has a double going on too, but it's almost really a 52.4 mile run: you start at midnight and run the course in reverse, then run the normal SFM start at 5:30 am.
I'm not ready for THAT, yet.
The main thing is to have fun and avoid injury. I have about 40 days to recover from Tacoma and then rack some long runs!
If this goes really well, I will endeavor to do a 50 miler (flatter one like the American River 50) someday and maybe even a QUADZILLA: 4 marathons in 4 days.
You have to be uber free of any weak points, have boatloads of endurance, know how to fuel, know how to pace it, and have a bit of luck. That gets you 8 MM stars, if you care about such things.
Monday, May 06, 2013
RunDown: 2013 TCM (Tacoma City Marathon) #17
Fun at the Expo
We checked into the hotel Murano (The official race hotel) and right away clashed with a snotty person on getting late checkout. They gave us a checkout time of12pm, which was already 1hr later that normal but.... After much appeal, pleading and pointing out that we'd be done with the Marathon only *just* at 11am BEST CASE, they relented and gave us 1pm.
From our hotel room we had a great view of Mt. Rainier. Many times you will not see Rainier due to clouds/rain or fog, but this weekend it was beautiful. Looks like a huge dessert!
We went over and got our race packets and t-shirts. Toni's first packet pickup!!
Later that day I got in one of the 3 elevators and pushed the button for the 12th floor. After traveling for a bit the elevator stopped with BANG and there was shaking due to the cables oscillating up and down a bit.
I wasn't scared so much as confused, the display said floor 5 but the doors would not open and pushing other floor buttons did nothing. After mucking around for about a minute I opened the call box intercom and told the operator I was stuck. She asked me if I was in need of medical help "No.", what was my name "Paul Rodman", my room number? 1216. I also called Toni in the lobby via cell phone and let her know what was going on. I let intercom lady know the elevator didn't just stop going, but it acted like the emergency stop system (that keeps you from plummeting) had engaged unintentionally causing the rest of the system to stop reeling in the cables (rather than pulling on an elevator that was not going to move.) I found this rather disturbing even if the probability of death was extremly low...major FAIL as we engineers like to say.
Them said she had to put me on hold and I heard the most horrible distorted musak coming out of the intercom for a minute. She came back and said the best minds were now on the case (ok, my words). Then she said she had to ask me more questions, probably to keep me busy or for the lawyers. The first one was "What is your address?". I just told her: you have my name and room number, look there please. That shut her up. Actually I think she was just trying to keep my busy talking so I wouldn't panic or something.
I wasn't panicing but I was amusedly thinking about the play Toni and I had just seen 5 days earlier at Berkely Rep Theatre called "Stuck Elevator". This play was was about an illegal Chinese immigrant that got stuck in an elevator in NYC for almost 3 days. (he didn't want to summon the police because he'd be deported)...I was thinking 72 hours was unlikely..I hoped..but would I get dinner at the pasta feed (answer NO..but stay tuned)?
How long was this going to take? Meanwhile, I could hear some sounds coming down the shaft and eventually the intercom lady warned me the lights would go out (she should have just said the elevator button lights would go out, the lighting stayed on), I said ok, fire away. They did the equivalent of cntrl-alt-delete on the elevator controls and I could feel the elevator going back down. As soon as it got to the ground floor and the door opened I hopped out and found Toni.
Later on, we found out they comped us the entire stay at the hotel they felt so bad..and rightly so. We found out that elevator does this from time to time and they don't seem to be able to fix it properly. Sheesh. Everybody used it like normal and it didn't do it again (as far as we know ;/.
They also moved our late checkout to 2pm, and that was very useful (as you will see).

To get some lunch we went up the street and while sitting outside met a couple of very nice young guys (Justin and Ken) that were maniacs running the marathon too. They had just run Eugene in the prevous week!! And were running another marathon the next week. Ah youth!
Pasta Free Pasta Feed
At 4:30 was the Marathon Maniac awards, etc and 5:30 the pasta feed (cost $22 each!). The talks turned out to be bit of a bust: The conference room was not ready and the talks were not started. Eventually we all just filed into the pasta feed at 5:30. The main Maniac Steve Yee annouced they would have the awards presentations while tables were called up to get there food.
Unfortunatly, our table was about 5th from last and when we got up to load up our plates were told that there was NO PASTA. There was: sliced chicken, lettuce with very thick ranch dressing, and stacks of garlic bread. We just could not fathom that there was no more pasta. We double-checked that we that there really was NOT any more coming. I mean WTF? Toni went up to talk to the organizers and they basically ignored her.
I grabbed her and said "Lets go to a restaurant...I need carbs for tomorrow!"...so we did that and you can bet I will be emailing the organizer for a refund. Jeeze..pasta is so cheap to make why not have lots of extra?
The weather forecast had been stubbonly staying the same for the last 5 days: high of 82F for the day with 66F the value at 11am and when I went to bed it was still the same. Boo.
Race Day
Up early to eat, use bathroom, get stuff together etc. Taped Toni's toes to prevent the Morton's Neuroma (works like a champ), wished her luck on her very first walking of a HM and off I went to catch a bus to the start at a small plane airport over across the Tocoma Narrows Bridges.
The bus was labled MuckleshootTribal School..a very unusual name for a bus indeed...sounds like something out of Harry Potter.
At the airport we were allowed inside a small hanger to wait as it was 55F with a breeze outside...mostly very clear skies too ..argh. The locals were of course, loving this weather, but us runners No. So. Much. They told me normally there are only half-a-dozen days with above 70 temps per year...and this was going to be one of them.
The moon was beautiful.
Eventually it was 9 min to race time. The lines for the portos were really long and so I went and found a tree which was not easy. Up to the start area and soon we were off!
I felt good, it was still cool, and the going was easy at a good pace. We were shielded from the sun (mostly) with nice trees. At about mile 4 we dropped down onto the bridge approach downhill. Wow. The Bridge and the views from were pretty amazing...I had to take some photos here.
Looking to the side down the sound:
UP over the crown of the bridge:Long uphill ahead after the bridge ends
After that long climb up and there is a left turn and another long climb...total about 250'
These were billed as the biggest climbs of the race and then DONE DONE! YAY! Isn't that wonderful?! Uh huh..riiiiggghht. After the climb the pace band said I was down on my 3:52 pace I think it was about 16s off. But no matter.
Sunny sun. I was doing fine until mile 10, and actually working my way back to the 3:52 pace, but my legs were beginning to feel the constant hills. I was well aware that 10 miles was nothing and I started to worry because even though I was drinking full cups at the aid stations I was feeling hot and thirsty. The air was dry, and so no sweat was visible but the water was just getting sucked out of me I think.
A super steep downhill behind me
And the corresponding uphill ahead. A little U-shaped valley actually. Favorite quip heard: "Who put this here!?!" I kept hope for that nice flatish spot on the elevation profile to show up but realized that that profile just didn't show the continuous up and downs of this race from 5 to 16 miles.
I was trying to hold pace as best as I could, and when we actually had flat miles I was able to keep the pace. But then there'd be more hills and more time would be lost.
This was a view up the sound from a little picnic area in the park (Fort Defiance) at the tip of the Tacoma peninsula. Just amazing in there.
The killer hills hit at miles 15 and 16. (see splits below) I was reduced to a walk for all the ups. A lot of the down to the water front was nasty steep too. Too bad.
Finally down on the water front and done with hills, but we are also done with being able to run much. I think my core temp was pretty high here and I was completely dehydrated. When I dumped water on my head it made my whole body tingle.
I was hoping for some cool breeze off the water here, but there was not...at about mile 23 there was some, finally.
At every water stop I drank a ton and dumped more my head but still felt thirsty. I didn't feel I was in any danger though..but just heat exhaustion. My core temps were high enough that my brain was making me feel like I had no starch left in me.
I was walking here and trying to keep the pace in the 16 m/m range at least. Learning to keep power walking when spent seemed like a good skill to work on at this point.
I was able to text Toni that I was not going to be fast today. She texted me back and said she was having a great walk and keeping her pace really well, better than in training.
There are some museums along the waterfront...this is a fire boat they have brought up on land. There were some nice looking restaurants too.
Still two hills to the finish..this is one of two overpass flyovers past mile 23 that gets you over the railroad tracks. Everybody was walking these suckers. The tracks were in use during the race and some loud train horns sounded!
Just finished! Second slowest time, hardest race ever. Glad to be done!
Medal was about to be placed over my head in a bit...a nice touch (not just handing them out).
Toni and I with medals: Toni had a great race and I was so happy and proud of her! She had a great time sightseeing during her race and enjoyed the weather (unlike me!).
Special marathon medal for the Maniacs anniversary. It's also a bottle opener 8) The wall is getting crowded, no? But I met many maniacs that had 50-100 or more marathons under their belts and they all look just fine.
Toni's medal is a half medal (If you ran the half in the previous year it was a match to make a full medal 8). The edging makes this medal look like a bottle cap.
Splits here, the place in red is where I finally overheated and hit the wall. Too many hills too late after I was already toasted. The HRs descending to the bridge at mile 3 are not correct...the strap was wigging out there.
2013-05-05 Sun | |||||||
Split | Time | Miles | Pace | HR | Elev+ | Elev- | YPB |
1 | 528.7 | 1.00 | 8:48 | 130.8 | 28.7 | 29.9 | 1.538 |
2 | 519.4 | 1.00 | 8:39 | 145.0 | 81.3 | 81.6 | 1.432 |
3 | 507.4 | 1.00 | 8:27 | 170.0 | 39.9 | 308.3 | 1.122 |
4 | 533.0 | 1.00 | 8:52 | 138.0 | 241.4 | 0.0 | 1.652 |
5 | 543.2 | 1.00 | 9:03 | 146.0 | 138.6 | 0.0 | 1.447 |
6 | 520.5 | 1.00 | 8:40 | 140.0 | 32.3 | 32.9 | 1.462 |
7 | 519.2 | 1.00 | 8:39 | 138.0 | 60.6 | 49.4 | 1.504 |
8 | 519.2 | 1.00 | 8:39 | 139.0 | 48.4 | 74.2 | 1.469 |
9 | 537.9 | 1.00 | 8:57 | 139.0 | 33.8 | 25.5 | 1.430 |
10 | 530.9 | 1.00 | 8:50 | 140.0 | 13.9 | 29.3 | 1.419 |
11 | 530.6 | 1.00 | 8:50 | 139.0 | 23.8 | 73.4 | 1.416 |
12 | 528.7 | 1.00 | 8:48 | 142.0 | 37.1 | 74.6 | 1.402 |
13 | 533.2 | 1.00 | 8:53 | 145.0 | 52.1 | 66.9 | 1.378 |
14 | 581.2 | 1.00 | 9:41 | 144.0 | 97.4 | 118.9 | 1.284 |
15 | 547.4 | 1.00 | 9:07 | 149.0 | 138.4 | 73.3 | 1.371 |
16 | 555.8 | 1.00 | 9:15 | 147.0 | 122.1 | 192.3 | 1.299 |
17 | 606.1 | 1.00 | 10:06 | 143.0 | 132.3 | 91.8 | 1.277 |
18 | 575.3 | 1.00 | 9:35 | 139.0 | 16.1 | 223.0 | 1.231 |
19 | 698.3 | 1.00 | 11:38 | 135.0 | 87.9 | 49.6 | 1.162 |
20 | 726.8 | 1.00 | 12:06 | 125.0 | 43.9 | 123.5 | 1.144 |
21 | 842.5 | 1.00 | 14:02 | 116.0 | 51.6 | 56.5 | 1.094 |
22 | 826.4 | 1.00 | 13:46 | 115.0 | 42.9 | 56.7 | 1.119 |
23 | 921.7 | 1.00 | 15:21 | 109.0 | 116.2 | 102.0 | 1.088 |
24 | 986.6 | 1.00 | 16:26 | 101.0 | 162.0 | 160.5 | 1.103 |
25 | 931.9 | 1.00 | 15:31 | 102.0 | 49.3 | 57.1 | 1.123 |
26 | 876.6 | 1.00 | 14:36 | 113.0 | 92.1 | 44.3 | 1.110 |
27 | 224.1 | 0.37 | 10:02 | 133.0 | 37.0 | 72.2 | 1.307 |
Sum | 4:39:12 | 26.4 | 10:35 | 130.8 | 2020.7 | 2267.8 | 1.302 |
Number of Finishers: | 886 |
Number of Females: | 420 |
Number of Males: | 466 |
Average Time: | 4:40:32 |
displaying: 1 - 1 of 1 |
![]() ![]() | 702 | Paul | Rodman | 58 | M | M 55-59 | 456 | 20/40 | 281 | 4:39:10 | 10:39 |
Funny that my 4:39 is almost exactly the average time (4:40) You can tell the race was a slow one.
I was also surprised to find that I was 20/40 in my age group. I know I'm not built for heat but I guess we all slowed down.
Garmin registered 26.4 miles so I did a good job with the tangents.
Toni did awesomely and finished her half in 3:46! Very much under her goal of 4 hours.
I was dehydrated for at least 3 hours until I finally had some pee. Normally this happens within 1/2 hour of a finish for me. I didn't feel hydrated until late Sunday night.
But beer always helps recharge 8)..here we are in all our race swag enjoying craft beers (and burgers) at Harmon Brewery, just a short free trolley ride from the race hotel. (The Maniacs also gave us all nice headsweats hats for the race.) The T shirt is black and a nice one too.
Walking back to the hotel. Afternoon highs were 80, just as that forecast predicted, with that bright sun and clear skies.
Tacoma Marathon review
Ok maybe the new course is less hilly and is "net down", and it's no Big Sur marathonk, but as you can see in the splits above it is effing hilly.
Subtracting the bridge height over water from the garmin elevations (the shuttle radar data everybody uses doesn't see bridges well) we have 1800' of UP and 2000' of DOWN. That is
what I call hilly.
Here's a summary:
TCM 1800 2000
CIM 430 700
Eugene 380 380
But wait, there's more to hills than just the elevations: The TCM hills are more often more steep. The problem is if the downs are too steep you don't get back the energy you should, you just burn up your legs. 50' over half a mile is not the same as 50' over 1/8th of a mile, even though the garmin reports them both as just '50 foot loss' in that split.
CIM and Eugene had basically no down grades that were un-runnable.. a long stride was always able to harvest good energy. CIM and Eug had very few steep up pitches: TCM had many steep pitch ups at 4-7% grade (estimated). These really spiked the effort (or slowed you down a lot).
If it was not for the hills otherwise I would give the award to TCM for the best course, with Eugene a close second. CIM's course is not that pretty but gets the nod for the fastest course and most likely to have cool weather...and for me it's easy to get to ;)
TCM has pretty views galor, good spectators and is well run. The town is up and coming with the glass museum, art museum and a new car musem all easy to get to without a car. Staging the half start and all the finishes at the Art museum is a nice place too.
The point to point aspect is well done and being able to wait in a hanger would be awesome if it was raining. The halfers are on their own part of the course and never interfere with the fulls.
So if you want a Washington marathon that is not as hilly as Seattle and is nice and small and very well run AND you don't care about it being PR-capable flat, TCM would be just for you!
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