Sunday, November 13, 2011

CIM Week 4, Sunday Time Trial

Sunday: 1 mile w.u 13 mile time trial, 1 mile c.d. 

Perfect weather day but as I started warming up I did not feel that ready for 13 fast miles. I told myself that after a warming up for a couple of miles I'd feel a lot better. And I did.

For pacing I decided I would try to not let any mile be slower than 8:30m/m. I run these kinds of things with my watch showing my current lap time and my current lap pace so I can see as I near the end of the split if I'm over and try to nudge it a bit faster.

Here are the 13 miles of fast running:

Split Distance Avg Pace Avg HR % WHR Cad Elev+ Elev- YPB
 2 1.00 8:26 141 77.9 90 0 11 1.480
 3 1.00 8:36 141 77.9 89 0 9 1.451
 4 1.00 8:23 140 77.0 90 0 0 1.500
 5 1.00 8:29 138 75.4 89 0 2 1.503
 6 1.00 8:27 141 77.9 89 0 1 1.477
 7 1.00 8:28 142 78.7 89 2 0 1.464
 8 1.00 8:18 139 76.2 89 0 0 1.526
 9 1.00 8:20 139 76.2 89 0 0 1.519
 10 1.00 8:36 139 76.2 89 4 3 1.472
 11 1.00 8:43 140 77.0 89 0 0 1.442
 12 1.00 8:31 142 78.7 90 12 0 1.455
 13 1.00 8:33 140 77.0 91 24 0 1.470
 14 1.00 8:22 144 80.3 90 0 13 1.461
Summary13.0 8:28 140.5

Miles 3 and 11 had the pedestrian / bike overpass over highway 101..this doesn't show up on the elevation data (it's too small) but it's about 40 feet of up/down, twice. It was pretty brutal on the way back at mile 11 let me tell you. The middle 4-5 miles are on dirt trail with crushed rocks...easier on the feet but takes a bit more energy.

This was a hard run. I'm not sure I could have done it any faster in a real race environment. I did not really "beat" my previous half marathon PR (and this distance is shorter) but I was running this on pretty tired legs...perhaps after a taper I could do a touch better. I'm sure if I was in training for a half Jill would have me doing more 10k pace running. 

I'm pleased with how steady the HR kept..not really any drift and also with how well I kept my form. I quickened the cadence from an 89 to 90-91 average in the last 3 miles..this is how I deal with getting tired: I shorten the stride and increase the turnover... (i..e 'gear down') just a bit.

Jill had said I could do 11 - 13 miles of time of course my 'inner voice' suggested we really really wanted to stop running at 11 miles..'hey it's ok! Jill said so!'...but no, not today STFU...and not Dec 4th either.  The last 2 miles of CIM and we are NOT stopping or slowing down for anything.  

So, yow that was hard work. I was supposed to do a warm-down mile after, and instead I did a warm down WALK...not feeling guilty about it either, thankyouverymuch.

Re: the AT. It was there in the first miles but no worse, not messing with my stride. I iced a for quite a while after.

Ok, bring on CIM Week 3! This should be the last big week before the taper. 


  1. Excellent!! You had a great run and I'm pretty sure on a good taper and a large crowd pulling you along, you could run a bit faster. But this wasn't about that, it was to see what you could do fast, give us some data points, push yourself a little more than normal....just before the last push week before TAPER! Very happy here :).


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