Sunday, March 23, 2025

GOVX San Diego Half Marathon

Been doing the usual maintanance running .....but time for a half marathon! Especially since it's down in San Diego which is a nice change of venue. The GOVX name is kinda weird. If you are familiar with the military's 'store' called the "PX", this is sort of the same thing....anyway they put on this half marathon for anybody that wants to join and can afford the entry.

It's a good course, mostly dead flat but with a climb up something called "Banker's hill" followed by a bomb down to the finish. I liked it. I really pushed the heart rate on the last 2 miles....130's to 140's. The weather was perfect: foggy and cold, just the way we like it. The sun came out full force later and it got quite warm. BTW: This is the reason why I'm switching to halfs: the last three fulls have been nasty hot after the first 13 miles or so. Results: 2:11:49, 9:57 pace, age graded time 1:38:00

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